4D Analytics

Table Configuration Elements

Field Colours

The field colours indicate the type of field. For example:

  • Column Heading
  • Row Heading
  • Point Value

Heading Fields

There are several “heading” fields in this table. Whether it is a “Row Heading” or “Column Heading”, all that is required in the configuration is the text to be displayed.

Point Value

This field has been set to type “Point Value”. The point that each cell is linked to is done via the point name, which can be viewed in Tree to the left of the table. If the path is set the cell will always show the point with that name in the path, in this example the report will always show “Point: 1.1” from the container “Site: 1”.

Leaving the path blank will show Point: 1.1 from whichever site you are viewing the dashboard for.

You will see that each cell that is a [Point Value] will have a different value for the “Point” parameter in the configuration.

The settings for this “Point Value” cell are:

Setting Value and Explanation
Cell Type Point Value - Selected from a drop-down list. This determines the remaining parameters to be configured.
Path If the path is set, the report will look for the specific point. This point will show each time the report is run regardless of the Site selected in the dashboard tree. Leaving the path blank will ensure that the point for each site is found instead.
Point This has been set to "Lauriston Place Total". When the report runs, it will search for a point with this name. It expects that his name is unique and only expects to find a single point with this name. If, there were multiple points with this name, it would only use the data from the first record - the remaining points would be ignored. The table will use the most recent value saved against this point.
Format In this instance, this has been left blank, so no formatting will be done on the value. If the user wanted to display this to 2 decimal places, they could have entered 0.00 in this cell.
Show Units This has been checked. This means that the point units will be displayed. The point units can be set from Digital Twin Explorer > Configure Point.
Enumeration This has been set to "5 - Traffic Lights". This was a selection from a drop-down list. See the section on Enumeration.
Link/URL This has been set to "multipleCharts.jsp". This is the name of the file that will open if the user clicks on this cell. This is a standard entry and will open up a chart showing data for the selected point.

When using these links on the live Custom Table, if an error is received “Link blocked – Bad characters found”, then a procedure will need to be followed to get the link configuration text added to a security whitelist of permitted items. Contact your System Administrator for assistance.

Link/URL Parameters This has been set to "ignore=me&caller=3&thePointIdents=[$pointid]". This is the standard text to use when the Link/URL field has been set to "multipleCharts.jsp".

When using these links on the live Custom Table, if an error is received “Link blocked – Bad characters found”, then a procedure will need to be followed to get the link configuration text added to a security whitelist of permitted items. Contact your System Administrator for assistance.

Link/URL Target This has been set to "Blank". It is a selection from a drop-down list.

Point Units

Within the configuration there is the option to display the point units.

The units can be viewed and configured through the Digital Twin Explorer using the Selection Tool and Configure Point tool.

The units are then displayed on the report output.

Blank Rows

On the grid we can see that rows 3 and 6 have no data in any of the cells.

This is represented as a blank row on the table.

Display Name

The display name has been set to “Traffic Light Display”.

This is displayed as a header on the Generated Report. It is just a text label.